Home security

How To Improve Your Home Security This Winter?

It is common knowledge that burglary statistics are significantly increased during the winter months. In part this is due to the early dark nights giving burglars the cover of darkness before people arrive home from work. This is why our team at ATG Locksmiths Alfreton have put together this helpful guide to help you keep your home safe and secure this winter.

How To Protect Your Home This Winter?

Security Lighting – You should consider having automatic security lighting installed at your property. By using security lights at your home, you will be able to illuminate the front and back of your property, this will act as a big deterrent to potential burglars as you will of eliminated one of their key tools, darkness. www.atgservices.co.uk 

Timed Lights – This is a very cost-effective way to improve your home security this winter. By purchasing timers for your appliances, you can set lights and TV’s to come on in different rooms throughout the house at different times. This gives the impression that someone is home and moving around through the house and will certainly put most burglars off.

Alarm – Having an alarm installed at your property is always recommended for any time of year. There is a whole range to choose from to suit all budgets and needs. www.atgservices.co.uk

Active Visible CCTV – By having CCTV installed around your property and placed so it can clearly be seen by potential intruders is a good deterrent. Again, there are a vast range of CCTV systems from simple to more high tech, choose one that best suits your needs and budget. www.atgservices.co.uk

Lock Doors and Windows – This may seem obvious but is surprising how many people neglect this simple home security measure. By locking windows and doors it definitely makes it harder for an intruder to gain entry to your property. You should also make sure all locks are in good working order and as secure as can be. Locks should either meet or exceed BS3621 or TS007. It is also worth having anti snap locks fitted on any uPVC doors to stop burglars being able to use the lock snapping method to gain entry to your home. If your unsure if your locks are secure or you would like them upgrading to improve the overall security of your home, then contact your local locksmith for advice and they can even supply and fit them for you.

If you need to make any of the above home security improvements to your home or would like a locksmith to come and carry out a home security assessment to see what can be improved, then contact ATG Locksmiths Alfreton today – 07581 060586