02 Sep

Across the UK uPVC and composite doors are probably the most common type of door and they all come fitted with euro cylinder locks. Euro cylinders work by having a section cut out so that there is space for the revolving cam to spin. By turning the key in the lock, the cam will revolve and trigger the locking mechanism that will allow the door to lock or unlock. Unfortunately, the section of the lock that is cut out for the cam to revolve is a significant weak point within the lock and leaves it vulnerable to lock snapping. This is a common method burglars use to gain entry to a property quickly, quietly and very easily. Once the lock is snapped a burglar will make short work of manipulating the locking mechanism to unlock the door. 

Protect Your Property 

Euro cylinders are not only under threat from lock snapping there are many other methods used by burglars such as, lock picking, lock drilling, lock bumping, and plug pulling to gain entry to your home. Fortunately, lock manufacturers have invested heavily into improving locks and developing features to help combat these threats and by upgrading your locks to one of these high security euro cylinders you can vastly improve the overall security of your home easily and with little cost. 

Benefits of High Security Euro Cylinders

  • Visual Deterrent – the kitemark on the locks is clearly displayed and works well at discouraging burglars.
  • Anti-Snap – A deliberate weak point within the lock combats lock snapping.
  • Anti-Bump – Use of both low and high driver pins resist lock bumping.
  • Anti-Drill – Anti-drill pins and plug cuts allow the lock to resist lock drilling.
  • Anti-Pick – Spool pins make attempts at lock picking unsuccessful.
  • Anti- Plug Pull – Resists cylinder and plug pull.

Insurance Compliance 

If you have a home or contents insurance policy in place, then it would be worth chocking over your locks to see if they comply with your insurers minimum requirements. If you don’t do this and it turns out your locks don’t meet insurers minimum criteria, then you could find that your policy is invalid, and any claims made may be rejected. You could also benefit financially from having high security locks installed as some insurers will offer discounts and reduced premiums if you have high security locks. You should always ensure that any locks you have fitted display the BS Kitemark as this is insurance approved and Secured by Design. You should always check through your insurance policy carefully; the requirements of lock security levels can usually be found within the policy documents or on your insurers website. 

Peace of Mind 

By having your locks upgraded to high security euro cylinders you can rest easy knowing that your property is as secure as it can be. You will also be safe in the knowledge that should the worst ever happen and you do fall victim to a break in insures will have no issues processing your claim as you have taken all the necessary steps to ensure your property is a s secure as possible. If you need your locks upgrading to high security euro cylinders, then contact ATG Locksmiths Alfreton today – 07581 060586

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